Your Favorite Chair/My Favorite Wallpaper


Your Favorite Chair/My Favorite Wallpaper, 2011, diptych, 5 x 5 inches each, archival digital print

I’ll take that Shaving Brush Home with Me, 2011, diptych, 5 x 5 inches each, archival digital print

Almost Timeless/Salt and Pepper Shakers, 2011, diptych, 5 x 5 inches each, archival digital print

Found in the Attic/Wind me Up, 2011, diptych, 5 x 5 inches each, archival digital print

Two Hour Parking/Just Doesn’t Matter, 2011, diptych, 5 x 5 inches each, archival digital print

Were you Catholic/I Don’t Think So, 2011, diptych, 5 x 5 inches each, archival digital print

Diptych01_FavoriteChair thumbnail
Diptych02_ShavingBrush thumbnail
Diptych03_SaltandPepper thumbnail
Diptych04_FoundinAttic thumbnail
Diptych05_TwoHourParking thumbnail
Diptych06_Catholic thumbnail


In 2011, I went back to Evanston, Illinois to pack up the belongings of my beloved Grandmother, Betty Patterson, who died at 98. This rite of passage, sifting through a person’s home and belongings after they die, is poetic and meaningful with or without a camera. I happened to bring along my camera and here are objects, views, memories, and stories that I noticed and wanted to remember.

All content © Copyright 2025 by Ellen Lake.